Our position has always been:
1. Islam is not a culture.
Therefore Islam and the European inheritance can be in harmony.
We dedicated time, intellect and capacities to find bridges between Europe and Islam.
Locations like Weimar, Sarajevo and Granada have a great relevance for EMU, because they stand (symbolically) for the relationship between Islam and Europe, for a new generation of Muslims who feel home in Europe.
2. The identity of a human being is in his language capacities.
EMU´s position is that whoever speaks fluently an European language and who wants to live here constructively with his neighbours is an European himself.
We oppose any racial argumentation; like f.e. Geert Wilders, who argues that even a fourth generation immigrant cannot be dutch.
3. Something like "Islamic terrorism" is impossible by Islamic Law.
We are not defining ourselves by the existence of enemies, but we define ourselves by positive aims.
Whoever lives a true Islam will see people embracing the Deen.
To create trust, we have not only to argue what Islam is not, we have also to show and define what it is.
We have to present Islam, his views, his beliefs, his way of life - especially his social and economical dimensions (see f.e. the market programme of EMU)
4. The European Muslims have now a special responsibility.
We can discriminate between Islam and Culture. We can present the message of Islam, according to our time and needs.
We can naturally lead the Muslims of Europe, giving them strategy and understanding.
We need therefore to interconnect between all European communities. This has to be done by an organization, which is more then just a national entity.
5. EMU has good relations to all immigrant communities in Europe.
Our advice to them has always been to learn European languages and we have always warned them to create ghettos.
We do not believe that ethnical grouping around being Turkish, Arab or Bosnian has a future. We believe that the (forgotten) rules of Zakat, and the creation of community around an Amir is more important then any ethnical difference.
6. A strong unified network of Muslims in Europe is necessary.
To do this job we need a strong organization like EMU, also to create embassies in every important European capital.
We need strong media houses to counter the propaganda against Islam.
We need to promote a positive image of the Muslims and their intentions. We have to create projects, which show the contribution of Islam to the public life.
We consider that EMU is one of the few organizations who link the spirit of the European Muslims to the Ummah.
7. The recent attacks of the militant wing of Islamophobic persons are a serious warning.
These criminals act integrated in the new European parties against Islam. They are acting as individuals, but they are also inspired by intellectuals and politicians.
They associate any behaviour (islamically acceptable or not) of any immigrant with Islam. They force us to draw a line to people who are acting islamically incorrect.
The known intellectual supporters of these new anti-islamic forces need to be opposed at every level in Europe.
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